Hatoba Isahaya

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Hatoba Isahaya (諫早はとば, Isahaya Hatoba), better known as "Big Boss", is a character in Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club.


He is a tall blond man with perpetually half-lidded dull blue eyes. In his earlier appearances, Hatoba is usually shown wearing green sweats and a white bandanna over his head.

After the shift to Pure, he is usually depicted in the new boys' uniform, which consists of a brown vest over a white uniform shirt and burgundy slacks.


A third year in the architecture department, "Big Boss" is the leader of a gang at the high school, though he barely acts like it. He prefers to do things at his own pace and it is difficult to get him to agree. As he is a quiet and reserved type, it is hard for others to tell what exactly is on his mind.

His hobby is to bother Hinaji, and he works and lives out of a Chinatown food store. He is also fond of small animals, especially cats, though his naming sense for them is very odd.



  • His surname derives from a city in Nagasaki Prefecture.