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Revision as of 07:48, 5 May 2010 by Black-Noto (Talk)

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Noto-sama is a series of downloadable simulation games that star Noto Kanazawa from Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club, in his quest to bully and strip other characters.

However, the series did not get the actual title of Noto-sama until the third installment, which introduced Yamato Nara as Noto's new partner (following the departure of Hinaji in the same game).

In the first four games, the victims were the cast members of Barjona Bombers, though the fifth changed the format by having a crossover with Hetalia occur. An unfinished sixth game was released in 2009 with promise of a patch to complete it, though the patch has yet to come.

Game Summaries

Note: Due to the earlier games having vanished from the site and no longer being available, what follows is an attempt to summarize each of them as much as possible.






  • Noto-sama Victim: Prussia (of Axis Powers Hetalia)

6 (incomplete)

  • Noto-sama Victim: Germany (of Axis Powers Hetalia)